Wednesday, 18 September 2013

my leopard

We have been learning about henri rousseu lately. And he mostly paints jungles and him in jungles or weird babies. So we were going to make a jungle of our own in our class. We painted giant vines and leaves,and also animals. I painted a leopard. the techniques i used to paint this was a mix of colours and shading of black around the nose to make it pop out.

can you count how many spots there are on him?

Monday, 9 September 2013


Lately I have been obsessed with reading the cherub books. I love these books because they have action, a little bit of romance and also comedy. Once I pick up one of the cherub books I cant put it down. I think that if you haven't read any then you should because they're great!!

this is the cherub logo.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

minecraft village farm

me in the farm
Here is my medieval farm in my village on minecraft that I have been working on lately. it is a three crop rotation farm. animals in the middle crops in the side one and one left empty called the  fallow. I included water to keep the crops alive and wheat and pumpkins. you can see the pictures closer if you click on them.


the whole farm

when do you think three crop rotation was invented? please answer in comments.