Thursday, 19 June 2014

Ancient Egypt

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about ancient Egypt. The way that we learnt all the information really helped me to learn a lot. We played lots of different activities and got to write a double page spread. I wrote my double page spread about Ancient Egyptian cosmetics. I really enjoyed learning all the different facts about their makeup. My favourite activity had to be doing who wants to be an Egyptianare. I learnt a lot of things here are some:

-The Ancient Egyptian cosmetics had medical uses
-About most of the gods and what their powers were
-About the Pyramids of Giza and how all the people who built it were related
 and lots more.

I really enjoyed learning about Ancient Egypt.

Monday, 9 June 2014


lately we have been going to Nairnville. and we have been doing gymnastics. The set-up each time was different. but we mainly had balancing beams, trampolines, still rings,a pole that you do flips on  and so on. First we usually have a warm up game like octopus or captains coming. A new game we have been playing is a game called snakes. Then after our warm up game we did some stretching and got put into three groups. One group went with one instructor, another group went with the other instructor and one group went with our teacher. Then the instructor/teacher would show us how to do everything. So for instance if she showed us the routine on the balancing beam, and what to do on the still rings. And then we would all go off and pick a thing to start with and we usually go around in a circle. my favourite part was going on the very bouncy trampoline. The new things that I learnt were how to do a dive roll properly and how to do a handstand without breaking my finger.